Powerful Natural Ingredients For Healing With Jules Bright

Show notes

Jules Bright’s highly successful nursing career skidded to a halt in 1997 while living in India, when she was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. Rescued by locals, she was nursed back to health using natural remedies passed down through generations of local tribespeople. Astounded at her rapid recovery, the experience transformed her thinking and rocketed her onto a new path of discovery: to uncover and share with the world the healing wisdom held and honored by indigenous cultures across our planet. In this episode, we talk to Jules Bright, the founder of Earth's Kitchen, a natural skincare brand founded on the concept of Botanical Intelligence. By incorporating powerful natural ingredients and recipes they have created the world’s 1st BioGro (Natrue) certified natural sunscreen. Jules is on a mission to reframe how we interact with our planet in order to protect the sea, the earth and the living organisms within them.

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